Being an authentic Greek

A few words for our origin and values

Both the terms “authentic” and “Greek” are the subjects of heated -as is customary in the country of origin of democratic dialogue- debates, among Greeks. With these debates many different definitions of the word “authentic” emerge. But the definitions of being Greek, ultimately, seem to converge to a point of agreement: a quest for freedom

Freedom, of course, is a universal value, but may be as fleeting a concept to define as any. And you might start to wonder by now “what does it have to do with Mythologia”. 

Actually, it is one of the values that inspires our Chief Creative, Eva Karamveris, who was born and bred in Greece. When asked “How do you want your customer to feel when wearing Mythologia authentic Greek sandals”, Eva’s spontaneous answer was “I want her to feel down to earth, beautiful, natural and free”

Free from what exactly? Free from trying too hard to look what the world calls “fashionable”. Free from having to reinvent herself and restructure her identity to fit into particular “it” looks that change at a breakneck pace. This is one aspect of the freedom we value so much at Mythologia sandals. This is why we create simple, elegant and chic sandals that will look relevant and cool year after year after year. They can be styled with practically any look and help you save time for what truly matters; for example have a glass of wine or ouzo by the sea and debate about the meaning of words and solve the world’s problems, thus staying true to another timeless and authentic Greek tradition.

Lina I. Vanidhis